
主に、パズドラ日記・アプリレビュー・apple・ニコニコ動画・ゲーム・アニメ・ニュースな話題・いま話題のあれ!について書いてます!!ちなみに、zerogskyが好きなサイトは、appbankとまとめブログです!! 大阪在住なので大阪の話題も書いています!

The mistake, articles to your iPod demise, was not true! ? 2014 09 09 apple recital


iPod終焉への記事は、間違えでは、なく本当だった!? apple発表会 2014 09 09 - zerogsky


English ↓

Hello everybody! is zerogsky.

By the way iPhone6 ​​have been announced, but you sure you want to either?


iPhone 6は4.7インチのディスプレイを持っています。 iPhone 6 Plusは、5.5インチのディスプレイを持っています。


Do not buy me, (I can not buy)

This is because the balance of Android smartphone still remains.

But it is likely to NMP in the balance settlement Once the time of NMP bulk.

This time, apple watch it was announced rather'm iwatch and iPhone

But for iPod, but there was no announcement

I thought conditions iPod is the following if the remain in the future.

1. In previous years, the new of the iPod touch, because it has been released in October

It will be announced at the website suddenly.

2. The ios9 (provisional), or released in the timing that will be published in September 2015

It's 3 Unfortunately censoring

First of all, about 1

When to be announced to be a case of one, you do not know

the possibility of release from the iPhone is calm

The possibility of the OS touch5 case of iPod 2 is aborted high

The possibility of release for the

Or if END of 3, the possibility of iPad nano also!

I want somehow the price of sim free iPhone iPod if end really

(The price that affordability of 20,000 yen to 30,000 yen)

I from higher than actual iPad

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